Romanian identity card

Carte de identitate

The model issued starting with 2009, that specifies the Romanian nationality and not the parent's first name
Issued by  Romania
Valid in  Romania
 European Union member states
EEA/EFTA states:

 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Canary Islands  Croatia
 Faroe Islands
 Isle of Man
 San Marino
 Vatican City
Type of document Identity card,
optional replacement for passport in the listed countries
Purpose proof of identity
Eligibility requirements Romanian citizen over 14 years of age (mandantory)
Expiration 4 years
5 years
10 years
50 years

The Identity card (Romanian: Carte de identitate) is the document issued to every Romanian citizen at 14 years of age (it is compulsory at 14). The only exemption are Romanian citizens domiciled abroad. If they establish a temporary residence in Romania, then they may apply for a "Carte de identitate provizorie", which is valid for one year (renewable).

The Identity Card is issued by The National Inspectorate for Person's Identity, subordinated to the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior.


Information provided

Also it has two rows of optical readable information, like the passports.

Series of the ID card

The series of the ID card are formed of two letters, representing the abbreviation of the county (the abbreviation is sometimes the same as the license plate indicative) or of the county's seat that issued the document.

City County ID series License plate
Bucureşti - DP, DR, DT,
Alba Iulia Alba AX AB
Alexandria Teleorman TR TR
Arad Arad AR AR
Bacău Bacău XC BC
Baia Mare Maramureş MM MM
Bistriţa Bistriţa-Năsăud XB BN
Botoşani Botoşani XT BT
Braşov Braşov BV BV
Brăila Brăila XR BR
Buftea Ilfov IF IF
Buzău Buzău XZ BZ
Călăraşi Călăraşi KL CL
Cluj-Napoca Cluj KX CJ
Constanţa Constanţa KT CT
Craiova Dolj DX DJ
Deva Hunedoara HD HD
Drobeta Turnu Severin Mehedinţi MH MH
Focşani Vrancea VN VN
Galaţi Galaţi GL GL
Giurgiu Giurgiu GG GR
Iaşi Iaşi MX IS
Miercurea Ciuc Harghita HR HR
Oradea Bihor XH BH
Piatra Neamţ Neamţ NT NT
Piteşti Argeş AS AG
Ploieşti Prahova PH, PX PH
Reşiţa Caraş-Severin KS CS
Râmnicu Vâlcea Vâlcea VX VL
Satu Mare Satu Mare SM SM
Sfântu Gheorghe Covasna KV CV
Sibiu Sibiu SB SB
Slatina Olt OT OT
Slobozia Ialomiţa SZ IL
Suceava Suceava SV SV
Timişoara Timiş TM TM
Târgovişte Dâmboviţa DD DB
Târgu Jiu Gorj GZ GJ
Târgu Mureş Mureş MS MS
Tulcea Tulcea TC TL
Vaslui Vaslui VS VS
Zalău Sălaj SX SJ


One of the most important informations in this card is CNP (Cod Numeric Personal = Numeric Personal Code).

CNP consist of 13 digits as follows:

CNP is unique for each person, is given at birth and never changed (except special cases of erroneous attribution, sex change or changing the status from legal resident to citizen).


Romania has decided to introduce the Electronic Identification Cards as of January 1, 2011, however the plan to introduce Identity Cards were delayed by two years. As of July 1, 2010 the pilot program of setting up the electronic system for the issuance of the electronic identity card will be initiated. As part of the normative act the central and local authorities as well as the county decentralized services are required to acquire the necessary equipments and programs for the citizens to be able to use without any restrictions the electronic identity card. The step by step program are as follows:


The Identity card can be used instead of the Passport to travel within the  European Union, EEA/EFTA states:  Iceland  Liechtenstein  Norway  Switzerland, and the following countries:  Albania  Andorra  Bosnia and Herzegovina  Canary Islands  Croatia  Faroe Islands  Gibraltar  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Macedonia  Monaco  Montenegro  San Marino  Serbia  Vatican City[1]

